Gamma Phi Beta


Chapter: Alpha Tau

Founding Date: November 11, 1874

Founding Location: Syracuse University 

Founders: Helen M. Dodge, Frances E. Haven, E. Adeline Curtis and Mary A. Bingham

Colours: Brown & Mode


Flower: Pink carnation 

Jewel: Pearl

Other Symbols: Crescent Moon

Motto: Founded On A Rock

Values: Love, Labor, Learning and Loyalty

Philanthropy: Girl Guides of Canada & Girls 0n the Run

Greek life has enabled me to meet some of the most inspiring, dedicated, and powerful women that I know. They are leaders on campus and great mentors to anyone in the organization. Joining a sorority has offered me a constant support system and a family away from home. Whether it’s needing a friend to study with, exploring Montreal or staying in for a night, I can always rely on a sister to join. The bonds you share go beyond friendship and I am so proud to be part of such an organization.
— Sophie