Alpha Omicron Pi
Chapter: Kappa Phi
Founding Date: January 2nd, 1897
Founding Location: Barnard College, Columbia University
Founders: Stella George Stern Perry, Elizabeth Heywood Weyman, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Colour: Cardinal Red
Flower: Jacqueminot Rose
Jewel: Ruby
Other Symbols: Panda (unofficial mascot)
Motto: Inspire Ambition
Values: Character, Dignity, Scholarship, College Loyalty
Philanthropy: Arthritis Foundation
“The greatest things are found in the most unexpected places, and I never thought I’d find the best experiences of my university career in Greek life: I found the friends, sisters, and allies that I didn’t even know I needed. McGill’s sororities bring together an incredible network of women who push each other towards excellence, have each other’s backs, and challenge each other to reach for new heights. The meaningful relationships made, and support received, form the backbone of a strong community of empowered women I cannot be more proud to be a part of.”