Fall Recruitment Process
Through recruitment, participants can explore whether they would like to become a part of the Panhellenic community and if so, which sorority is the best fit for them. Below, you will find a detailed explanation of the various rounds that take place during fall recruitment.

Potential new members, i.e. PNMs, need to register for recruitment either online or at orientation. At orientation, PNMs also get the chance to learn more about how recruitment will unfold, have questions answered, and meet the five sororities. PNMs will meet the Recruitment Councillors who will guide them through the process as well. If you are feeling nervous about recruitment, bring a friend!
Please join us for Orientation, September 14 from 12pm on Zoom. The link will be emailed to registered PNMs.
Round 1
During Round 1 of recruitment, PNMs meet with all chapters to become more familiar with their members and values.
Round 2
Through a process of mutual selection, this invitational round provides PNMs with the opportunity to learn more about each sorority’s philanthropy and continue to meet chapter members.
Preference Night
Preference Night (also referred to as“Pref”) is the second invitational round. PNMs will visit one or two chapters. This round, chapters give PNMs a taste of what joining their sisterhood might be like. At the end of Preference Night, the PNM chooses whether to join a McGill sorority by selecting the one or two chapters they felt most connected with and signing a MRABA.
Bid Day
On bid day, all the women who received bids finally get to open their bids and spend the day with their new sisters!
If you'd like to register for fall recruitment you can click the button below. If you'd like to learn more about sororities click here. If you'd like to learn more about the sorority experience, click here. If you are curious about recruitment, go to our FAQ page. If you have any questions and would like to contact us, click here.
We can't wait to meet you!