Frequently Asked Questions
Alpha Phi Bid Day 2021
Why join?
We're a supportive community committed to empowerment, philanthropy, knowledge, diversity, and sisterhood. Membership offers a “home away from home” experience amidst a group of women with similar interests and goals. In addition, sororities offer mentorship, scholarships, workshops, and personal and leadership development opportunities that students might not otherwise have the chance to receive. Joining a sorority is an occasion to be embraced by a sisterhood for life- not just for your college years. Furthermore, sorority alumnae chapters exist in almost every area of Canada & the US, and some even exist overseas. Alumnae chapters are an instant way to network with people when you move to a new area.
How do I join?
Click on our fall recruitment process page to read a detailed explanation of how it unfolds.
To learn more about winter recruitment, see below.
Fall recruitment registration typically begins the previous spring. Winter recruitment registration usually occurs in January. You can register for fall recruitment online by clicking here, or by signing up in person at orientation. As for winter recruitment registration, please refer to question 6 for more details.
Who can register?
Any female-identifying student is eligible to participate in McGill Panhellenic recruitment if she is a registered undergraduate student at McGill University who has not been initiated into any other National Panhellenic Conference member organization are eligible to register.
Am I guaranteed a bid?
No, no one is guaranteed to receive a bid, but we do our absolute best to maximise the number of people who receive bids. Very few women are released during fall recruitment.
Is there Winter Recruitment?
Yes. Some chapters may elect to undergo winter recruitment. Typically, those chapters will advertise and host their own events, without the involvement of the McGill Panhellenic Council. If you would like to know if any chapters are doing winter recruitment, you can click here to contact us and ask. In addition, you can keep an eye on the social media of chapters at McGill, where they will advertise such events.
How will I know which sorority is for me?
Each sorority has its own mission, motto, and values that it lives by; however, overall, NPC organizations strive to provide members with friendship, opportunities for personal growth, development, and fun. In order to choose a chapter that is right for you, you should participate in recruitment, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet members of all chapters on campus. The recruitment process will allow you and the chapters to decide on the best fit. Some may find it helpful to consider which chapter they feel most at home in. As you go through the process, be sure to keep an open mind. Consider taking notes after each round to remember your conversations!
How much does being in a sorority cost?
Being in a sorority is like all other membership organizations and does require a payment of dues. The exact cost break-down is discussed during Round 2 of recruitment. Dues cover the cost of a member’s retreat weekend, promotional shirts, semi-formal and formal events, workshops, alumnae networking events, and badge, among other things.
Do I have to live in a sorority house?
4/5 sororities have a house in the McGill area, however, most house only 4-5 members. Although you will have the option to live in the house, where meetings and other events are often held, you will not be under any obligation to do so.
Can exchange students go through recruitment?
If you will be at McGill for at least two semesters, yes.
Can U2+ students go through recruitment?
Is there hazing?
No, absolutely no hazing is permitted. Hazing, in all of its forms, has been banned in each of the 26 member organizations of NPC. The organizations have policies in place stating so. Chapters found to be hazing incur heavy punishment and it is even considered grounds for having the chapter closed.
What will be expected of me if I join a sorority? What is the time commitment?
The exact expectations that come with being a member of a chapter can vary. While the time you spend on sorority activities is educational and rewarding, it is largely up to you to determine how much time you will invest. Moreover, being a member of a sorority is a two-way street. You will gain as much from your time in a sorority as you put in. You must attend weekly meetings and on average you can be expected to attend one or two other events per week, such as a sisterhood activity or fundraiser. In addition, you are expected to pay your membership dues and might be expected to attend and/or help with recruitment events, retreat weekends, and other chapter operations.
What if I discover that the sorority I’ve selected is the wrong one for me, or that now is not the best time for me to join?
You may withdraw your involvement in sorority recruitment without consequences at any point before signing the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement, MRABA, which is done at the end of Pref night. If you sign the MRABA and receive an invitation to join a sorority, but decide not to accept it, you will be ineligible to be pledged at McGill until the beginning of the next formal recruitment. Withdrawing from recruitment prior to signing the MRABA does not prevent you from participating in recruitment again, if you wish to do so during winter recruitment or the following year. If you transfer to a different university or college, however, this does not apply- you can register for recruitment at their campus whenever you wish.
Do sororities party all the time?
No, not at all! In fact, no alcohol is allowed to be stored, served, or consumed on any property owned or identified as being controlled by a NPC member organization, such as a sorority house. NPC member organizations each have their own alcohol policies, which are signed by collegiate members. In addition, the McGill Panhellenic Council has a set of recruitment rules which, among other things, prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages during membership recruitment and Bid Day activities. All collegiate members must sign a form indicating that they agree to adhere to the recruitment rules before recruitment starts in order for their chapter to be eligible to participate in formal recruitment.
A member who fails to comply with their chapter's alcohol policy may subject herself to international probation or suspension. Furthermore, a new member who fails to comply with their chapter's alcohol policy may subject herself to termination of her pledgeship. A collegiate chapter may be placed under international supervision for violations of their alcohol policy.